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The effect of phosphorylation on arrestin-rhodopsin interaction in the squid visual system.

J Neurochem.. 2015-09; 
Robinson KA, Ou WL, Guan X, Sugamori KS, Bandyopadhyay A, Ernst OP, Mitchell J. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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Invertebrate visual opsins are G protein-coupled receptors coupled to retinoid chromophores that isomerize reversibly between inactive rhodopsin and active metarhodopsin upon absorption of photons of light. The squid visual system has an arrestin protein that binds to metarhodopsin to block signaling to Gq and activation of phospholipase C. Squid rhodopsin kinase (SQRK) can phosphorylate both metarhodopsin and arrestin, a dual role that is unique among the G protein-coupled receptor kinases. The sites and role of arrestin phosphorylation by SQRK were investigated here using recombinant proteins. Arrestin was phosphorylated on serine 392 and serine 397 in the C-terminus. Unphosphorylated arrestin bound to metarh... More


arrestin; invertebrate; rhodopsin; rhodopsin kinase; squid; visual system
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