-10 M To 10-5 M) Of The C5Ar Hexapeptide Agonist W5Cha (Genscript), Which Unlike C5A Can Cross The Yeast Cell Wall. Three...Cells. Cells Were Treated With 0.1 M Or 1 M W5Cha (Genscript) Or No Ligand And Ip3 Levels Were Measured As Previously...">


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A comprehensive structure-function map of the intracellular surface of the human C5a receptor. I. Identification of critical residues.

J Biol Chem.. 2007-02;  282(5):3105-3121
Matsumoto ML, Narzinski K, Kiser PD, Nikiforovich GV, Baranski TJ. Department of Medicine and Molecular Biology, Washington School of Medicine, Missouri 63110, USA.
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G protein-coupled receptors are one of the largest protein families in nature; however, the mechanisms by which they activate G proteins are still poorly understood. To identify residues on the intracellular face of the human C5a receptor that are involved in G protein activation, we performed a genetic analysis of each of the three intracellular loops and the carboxyl-terminal tail of the receptor. Amino acid substitutions were randomly incorporated into each loop, and functional receptors were identified in yeast. The third intracellular loop contains the largest number of preserved residues (positions resistant to amino acid substitutions), followed by the second loop, the first loop, and lastly the carboxyl... More


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