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Late cornified envelope (LCE) proteins: distinct expression patterns of LCE2 and LCE3 members suggest nonredundant roles in human epidermis and other epithelia.

Br J Dermatol.. 2016-04;  174(4):795-802
H. Niehues, I.M.J.J. van Vlijmen-Willems, J.G.M. Bergboer, F.F.J. Kersten1, M. Narita, W.J.A.J. Hendriks, E.H. van den Bogaard, P.L.J.M. Zeeuwen and J. Schalkwijk. Department of Dermatology, Radboud University Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
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BACKGROUND: Deletion of the late cornified envelope (LCE) proteins LCE3B and LCE3C is a strong and widely replicated psoriasis risk factor. It is amenable to biological analysis because it precludes the expression of two epidermis-specific proteins, rather than being a single-nucleotide polymorphism of uncertain significance. The biology of the 18-member LCE family of highly homologous proteins has remained largely unexplored so far. OBJECTIVES: To analyse LCE3 expression at the protein level in human epithelia, as a starting point for functional analyses of these proteins in health and disease. METHODS: We generated the first pan-LCE3 monoclonal antibody and provide a detailed analysis of its specificity ... More


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