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A sensitive and selective ELISA methodology quantifies a demyelination marker in experimental and clinical samples.

J. Immunol. Methods. 2018; 
RemacleAlbert G,DolkasJennifer,AngertMila,HullugundiSwathi K,ChernovAndrei V,JonesR Carter W,ShubayevVeronica I,StronginAl
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Peptide Synthesis The synthetic wild-type (WT; ENPVVHFFKNIVTPRTPPPSQ) and scrambled (SCR; EFPHIKVTVVTPRNGFPNSPP) MBP84-104 peptides (97–99% purity) were synthesized by GenScript and protected from exoprotease degradation by N-biotinylation and C-terminal amidation, respectively. Peptides are numbered according to the human MBP sequence (GenBank #AAH08749). Get A Quote


Sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury (CCI) in rodents produces nerve demyelination via proteolysis of myelin basic protein (MBP), the major component of myelin sheath. Proteolysis releases the cryptic MBP epitope, a demyelination marker, which is hidden in the native MBP fold. It has never been established if the proteolytic release of this cryptic MBP autoantigen stimulates the post-injury increase in the respective circulating autoantibodies. To measure these autoantibodies, we developed the ELISA that employed the cryptic 84-104 MBP sequence (MBP84-104) as bait. This allowed us, for the first time, to quantify the circulating anti-MBP84-104 autoantibodies in rat serum post-CCI. The circulati... More


Demyelination,ELISA,Experimental animals,Fibromyalgia,Multiple sclerosis,Myelin,Myelin basic protein,Nerve injury,Neuroimmune dis
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