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Identifying true protein complex constituents in interaction proteomics: the example of the DMXL2 protein complex.

Proteomics.. 2012-08; 
Li KW, Chen N, Klemmer P, Koopmans F, Karupothula R, Smit AB. Department of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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A typical high-sensitivity antibody affinity purification-mass spectrometry experiment easily identifies hundreds of protein interactors. However, most of these are non-valid resulting from multiple causes other than interaction with the bait protein. To discriminate true interactors from off-target recognition, we propose to differentially include an (peptide) antigen during the antibody incubation in the immuno-precipitation experiment. This contrasts the specific antibody-bait protein interactions, versus all other off-target protein interactions. To exemplify the power of the approach, we studied the DMXL2 interactome. From the initial six immuno-precipitations, we identified about 600 proteins. When filter... More


Antibody; Mass spectrometry; ProteinCprotein interaction; Synapse; Technology
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