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TOX reinforces the phenotype and longevity of exhausted T cells in chronic viral infection.

Nature. 2019-07; 
AlfeiFrancesca,KanevKristiyan,HofmannMaike,WuMing,GhoneimHazem E,RoelliPatrick,UtzschneiderDaniel T,von HoesslinMadlaina,CullenJolie G,FanYiping,EisenbergVasyl,WohlleberDirk,SteigerKatja,MerklerDoron,DelorenziMauro,KnollePercy A,CohenCyrille J,ThimmeRobert,YoungbloodBenjamin,ZehnDie
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Gene Synthesis The Tox sequence was custom synthesized by GenScript in a codon-optimized form and cloned into the pMSCV vector Get A Quote


Cytotoxic T cells are essential mediators of protective immunity to viral infection and malignant tumours and are a key target of immunotherapy approaches. However, prolonged exposure to cognate antigens often attenuates the effector capacity of T cells and limits their therapeutic potential. This process, known as T cell exhaustion or dysfunction, is manifested by epigenetically enforced changes in gene regulation that reduce the expression of cytokines and effector molecules and upregulate the expression of inhibitory receptors such as programmed cell-death 1 (PD-1). The underlying molecular mechanisms that induce and stabilize the phenotypic and functional features of exhausted T cells remain poorly un... More


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