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Anti-diuretic activity of a CAPA neuropeptide can compromise Drosophila chill tolerance.

J Exp Biol. 2018; 
MacMillan HA, Nazal B, Wali S, Yerushalmi GY, Misyura L, Donini A, Paluzzi JP.
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Peptide Synthesis melanogaster CAPA2 (DromeCAPA-2: ASGLVAFPRV-NH2) peptide and an N-terminally biotinylated DromeCAPA2 (biotin-CAPA-2) peptide analog (Genscript Inc. Get A Quote


For insects, chilling injuries that occur in the absence of freezing are often related to a systemic loss of ion and water balance that leads to extracellular hyperkalemia, cell depolarization and the triggering of apoptotic signalling cascades. The ability of insect ionoregulatory organs (e.g. the Malpighian tubules) to maintain ion balance in the cold has been linked to improved chill tolerance, and many neuroendocrine factors are known to influence ion transport rates of these organs. Injection of micromolar doses of CAPA (an insect neuropeptide) have been previously demonstrated to improve Drosophila cold tolerance, but the mechanisms through which it impacts chill tolerance are unclear, and low doses of CA... More


Abiotic stress; Insect; Ion homeostasis; Neuropeptides; Temperature
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