, NJ, USA). ... ">


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Localization and functional properties of two galectin-1 proteins in Atlantic cod (< i> Gadus morhua) mucosal tissues.

Dev Comp Immunol.. 2013-06;  40(2):83 - 93
Rajan B, Kiron V, Fernandes JM, Brinchmann MF. Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, University of Nordland, 8049 Bodø, Norway.
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Galectin-1 is a β-galactoside binding lectin with multiple immune functions in higher vertebrates. We report the characterization of two galectin-1 proteins from Atlantic cod, with emphasis on mucosal tissues. Tissue distribution of these two ≈ 14kDa galectin-1 proteins (Codgal1-1 and Codgal1-2) was ascertained by western blotting of one dimensional (1D) and two dimensional (2DE) gels. The two galectin-1 proteins were differentially localized in the mucosal tissues of cod. Codgal1-1 was predominantly localized in the basal cells of skin and this protein was present in all the early developmental stages examined, indicating a likely involvement in developmental processes. The two lectins were also loc... More


Lectin; Atlantic cod; Skin mucus; Francisella noatunensis; Granuloma; Innate immunity
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