GenScript Real Time Primer Design Program and they are as follows: forward, 5??-CTTCGGAGGCGAGGTTTTCC- 3??, and reverse, 5??-TCTCAGGGCACTTGGTCACA-3??, which produce a 164 bp ...">


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Diversity of protein and mRNA forms of mammalian methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 due to intronization and protein processing.

PLoS One.. 2010-07;  5(7):e11497
Liang X, Fomenko DE, Hua D, Kaya A, Gladyshev VN. Department of Biochemistry and Redox Biology Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States of America
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BACKGROUND: Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msrs) are repair enzymes that protect proteins from oxidative stress by catalyzing stereospecific reduction of oxidized methionine residues. MsrB1 is a selenocysteine-containing cytosolic/nuclear Msr with high expression in liver and kidney. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we identified differences in MsrB1 gene structure among mammals. Human MsrB1 gene consists of four, whereas the corresponding mouse gene of five exons, due to occurrence of an additional intron that flanks the stop signal and covers a large part of the 3'-UTR. This intron evolved in a subset of rodents through intronization of exonic sequences, whereas the human gene structure represents the ancestr... More


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