Sharon Altmann, Curtis R. Brandt, Christopher J. Murphy, Ravi Patnaikuni, Teresa Takla, Megan Toomey, Brittany Nesbit, Kimberly McIntyre, Jill Covert, Richard Dubielzig, Gary Leatherberry, Elizabeth Adkins, and Shantha Kodihalli.
Sharon Altmann, Megan Toomey, Brittany Nesbit, Kim McIntyre, Jill Covert, Richard Redd Dubielzig, Gary Leatherberry, Elizabeth Adkins, Christopher J. Murphy, and Curtis R. Brandt.
Journal: Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 51(9):4541 - 4548
Sharon Altmann, Andrew Emanuel, Megan Toomey, Kim McIntyre, Jill Covert, Richard Redd Dubielzig, Gary Leatherberry, Christopher J. Murphy, Shantha Kodihalli, and Curtis R. Brandt.