Genscript Biology Co., CRO (Scientist, Kansas State University, USA) and used to produce a MnAb...">


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Proteomic characterization of the subpellicular cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites.

J Proteomics.. 2014-03; 
GÓmez de LeÓn CT, DÍaz MartÍn RD, Mendoza HernÁndez G, GonzÁlez Pozos S, Ambrosio JR, MondragÓn Flores R. Departamento de BioquÍmica, Centro de InvestigaciÓn y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto PolitÉcnico Nacional (CINVESTAV-IPN), Av. IPN #2508 Del. G. A. Madero, Col. Zacatenco, C.P. 07360, MÉxico D.F., MÉxico.
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Toxoplasma, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis in animals and humans, has a subpellicular cytoskeleton that is involved in motility, cell shape and invasion. Knowledge of components of the cytoskeleton is necessary to understand the invasion mechanisms as well as for the identification of possible therapeutic targets. To date, most cytoskeletal components of Toxoplasma remain unidentified due mainly to the lack of reproducible methods for their isolation. Based on the successful isolation of the cytoskeleton, it was possible to report for the first time, the proteomic characterization of the subpellicular cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma formed by 95 cytoskeletal proteins through proteomic analysis by tandem mass s... More


Articulin; Proteome; Subpellicular cytoskeleton; Tandem mass spectrometry; Toxoplasma
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