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The Ubiquitous Distribution of Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins across Cell Compartments in Arabidopsis Offers Tailored Protection against Abiotic Stress.

Plant Cell.. 2014-07;  26(7):3148-66
Candat A, Paszkiewicz G, Neveu M, Gautier R, Logan DC, Avelange-Macherel MH, Macherel D. UniversitÉ d'Angers, UMR 1345 Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences, F-49045 Angers, France.
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Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are hydrophilic, mostly intrinsically disordered proteins, which play major roles in desiccation tolerance. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 51 genes encoding LEA proteins clustered into nine families have been inventoried. To increase our understanding of the yet enigmatic functions of these gene families, we report the subcellular location of each protein. Experimental data highlight the limits of in silico predictions for analysis of subcellular localization. Thirty-six LEA proteins localized to the cytosol, with most being able to diffuse into the nucleus. Three proteins were exclusively localized in plastids or mitochondria, while two others were found dually targeted to ... More


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