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In silico analyses of dystrophin Dp40 cellular distribution, nuclear export signals and structure modeling.

Data in Brief.. 2015-06;  4::349-52
MartÍnez-Herrera A, AragÓn J, BermÚdez-Cruz RM, BazÁn ML, Soid-Raggi G, Ceja V, Santos Coy-Arechavaleta A, AlemÁn V, DepardÓn F, Montañez C. Departamento de GenÉtica y BiologÍa Molecular, Centro de InvestigaciÓn y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto PolitÉcnico Nacional, MÉxico, D. F., Mexico.
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Dystrophin Dp40 is the shortest protein encoded by the DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) gene. This protein is unique since it lacks the C-terminal end of dystrophins. In this data article, we describe the subcellular localization, nuclear export signals and the three-dimensional structure modeling of putative Dp40 proteins using bioinformatics tools. The Dp40 wild type protein was predicted as a cytoplasmic protein while the Dp40n4 was predicted to be nuclear. Changes L93P and L170P are involved in the nuclear localization of Dp40n4 protein. A close analysis of Dp40 protein scored that amino acids (93)LEQEHNNLV(101) and (168)LLLHDSIQI(176) could function as NES sequences and the scores are lost in Dp40n4. In a... More


Cellular distribution; Dystrophin Dp40; In silico
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