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Cell Cycle-dependent Phosphorylation and Ubiquitination of a G Protein α Subunit.

J Biol Chem.. 2011-06;  286(23):20208 - 20216
Matthew P. Torres, Sarah T. Clement, Steven D. Cappell, and Henrik G. Dohlman. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7260, USA.
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A diverse array of external stimuli, including most hormones and neurotransmitters, bind to cell surface receptors that activate G proteins. Mating pheromones in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae activate G protein-coupled receptors and initiate events leading to cell cycle arrest in G(1) phase. Here, we show that the Gα subunit (Gpa1) is phosphorylated and ubiquitinated in response to changes in the cell cycle. We systematically screened 109 gene deletion strains representing the non-essential yeast kinome and identified a single kinase gene, ELM1, as necessary and sufficient for Gpa1 phosphorylation. Elm1 is expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner, primarily at S and G(2)/M. Accordingly, phosphorylation... More


Cell Cycle; G Proteins; Protein Phosphorylation; Serine Threonine Protein Kinase; Ubiquitination
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