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Hsf1 and Hsp70 constitute a two-component feedback loop that regulates the yeast heat shock response.

Elife. 2018; 
KrakowiakJoanna,ZhengXu,PatelNikit,FederZoë A,AnandhakumarJayamani,ValeriusKendra,GrossDavid S,KhalilAhmad S,PincusD
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Models for regulation of the eukaryotic heat shock response typically invoke a negative feedback loop consisting of the transcriptional activator Hsf1 and a molecular chaperone. Previously we identified Hsp70 as the chaperone responsible for Hsf1 repression and constructed a mathematical model that recapitulated the yeast heat shock response (Zheng et al., 2016). The model was based on two assumptions: dissociation of Hsp70 activates Hsf1, and transcriptional induction of Hsp70 deactivates Hsf1. Here we validate these assumptions. First, we severed the feedback loop by uncoupling Hsp70 expression from Hsf1 regulation. As predicted by the model, Hsf1 was unable to efficiently deactivate in the absence of... More


Hsf1,Hsp70,S. cerevisiae,biochemistry,computational biology,heat shock,systems bio
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