Spontaneous firing of sinoatrial node cells (SANCs) is regulated by cAMP-mediated, PKA (protein kinase A)-dependent (cAMP/PKA) local subsarcolemmal Ca releases (LCRs) from RyRs (ryanodine receptors). LCRs occur during diastolic depolarization and activate an inward Na/Ca exchange current that accelerates diastolic depolarization rate prompting the next action potential. PDEs (phosphodiesterases) regulate cAMP-mediated signaling; PDE3/PDE4 represent major PDE activities in SANC, but how they modulate LCRs and basal spontaneous SANC firing remains unknown.
Spontaneous firing of sinoatrial node cells (SANCs) is regulated by cAMP-mediated, PKA (protein kinase A)-dependent (cAMP/PKA) local subsarcolemmal Ca releases (LCRs) from RyRs (ryanodine receptors). LCRs occur during diastolic depolarization and activate an inward Na/Ca exchange current that accelerates diastolic depolarization rate prompting the next action potential. PDEs (phosphodiesterases) regulate cAMP-mediated signaling; PDE3/PDE4 represent major PDE activities in SANC, but how they modulate LCRs and basal spontaneous SANC firing remains unknown.