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Processing and maturation of the pilin of the type IV secretion system encoded within the gonococcal genetic island.

J Biol Chem.. 2011-12;  286(51):43601-10
Jain S, Kahnt J, van der Does C. Department of Microbiology, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, University of Groningen, Nijenborg 7, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands.
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The type IV secretion system (T4SS) encoded within the gonococcal genetic island (GGI) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae has homology to the T4SS encoded on the F plasmid. The GGI encodes the putative pilin protein TraA and a serine protease TrbI, which is homologous to the TraF protein of the RP4 plasmid involved in circularization of pilin subunits of P-type pili. TraA was processed to a 68-amino acid long circular peptide by leader peptidase and TrbI. Processing occurred after co-translational membrane insertion and was independent of other proteins. Circularization occurred after removal of three C-terminal amino acids. Mutational analysis of TraA revealed limited flexibility at the cleavage and joining sites. Mutag... More


Membrane Enzymes; Membrane Proteins; Protein Processing; Protein Targeting; Protein Translocation
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