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Single Amino Acid Repeats in the Proteome World: Structural, Functional, and Evolutionary Insights.

PLoS ONE. 2016; 
KumarAmitha Sampath,SowpatiDivya Tej,MishraRake
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Codon Optimization We retrieved the codon fraction information for the Human CDS using the GenScript Codon Usage Frequency Table Tool [34]. Get A Quote


Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSR) are abundant, highly diverse stretches of short DNA repeats present in all genomes. Tandem mono/tri/hexanucleotide repeats in the coding regions contribute to single amino acids repeats (SAARs) in the proteome. While SSRs in the coding region always result in amino acid repeats, a majority of SAARs arise due to a combination of various codons representing the same amino acid and not as a consequence of SSR events. Certain amino acids are abundant in repeat regions indicating a positive selection pressure behind the accumulation of SAARs. By analysing 22 proteomes including the human proteome, we explored the functional and structural relationship of amino a... More


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