
至今,GenScript的服务及产品已被Cell, Nature, Science, PNAS等1300多家生物医药类杂志引用近万次,处于行业领先水平。NIH、哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福、普林斯顿、杜克大学等约400家全球著名机构使用GenScript的基因合成、多肽服务、抗体服务和蛋白服务等成功地发表科研成果,再次证明GenScript 有能力帮助业内科学家Make research easy.

T7 RNA polymerase non-specifically transcribes and induces disassembly of DNA nanostructures.

Nucleic Acids Res.. 2018; 
SchaffterSamuel W,GreenLeopold N,SchneiderJoanna,SubramanianHari K K,SchulmanRebecca,FrancoE
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Peptide Synthesis … Inc. and TEDIA, Inc., respectively. TAT (CYG RKK RRQ RRR), poly-glutamic acid (EEE EE), poly-glycine (GGG GG) and poly-arginine peptides with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 amino acids were custom- ordered from GenScript, Inc. n-octyl … Get A Quote


The use of proteins that bind and catalyze reactions with DNA alongside DNA nanostructures has broadened the functionality of DNA devices. DNA binding proteins have been used to specifically pattern and tune structural properties of DNA nanostructures and polymerases have been employed to directly and indirectly drive structural changes in DNA structures and devices. Despite these advances, undesired and poorly understood interactions between DNA nanostructures and proteins that bind DNA continue to negatively affect the performance and stability of DNA devices used in conjunction with enzymes. A better understanding of these undesired interactions will enable the construction of robust DNA nanostructure-enzy... More


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