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The systemin receptor SYR1 enhances resistance of tomato against herbivorous insects.

Nat Plants. 2018; 
Wang Lei,Einig Elias,Almeida-Trapp Marilia,Albert Markus,Fliegmann Judith,Mith?fer Axel,Kalbacher Hubert,Felix G
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Peptide Synthesis synthesized by standard FMOC technology or ordered from GenScript. Derivatization with acridinium Get A Quote


The discovery in tomato of systemin, the first plant peptide hormone, was a fundamental change for the concept of plant hormones. Numerous other peptides have since been shown to play regulatory roles in many aspects of the plant life, including growth, development, fertilization and interactions with symbiotic organisms. Systemin, an 18 amino acid peptide derived from a larger precursor protein , was proposed to act as the spreading signal that triggers systemic defence responses observed in plants after wounding or attack by herbivores. Further work culminated in the identification of a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) as the systemin receptor 160 (SR160). SR160 is a tomato homologu... More


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