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Identification of a Multiplex Biomarker Panel for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy using Quantitative Proteomics and Machine Learning.

Mol. Cell Proteomics. 2019; 
CapturGabriella,HeywoodWendy E,CoatsCaroline,RosminiStefania,PatelVimal,LopesLuis R,CollisRichard,PatelNina,SyrrisPetros,BassettPaul,O'BrienBen,MoonJames,ElliottPerry M,MillsK
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Peptide Synthesis Custom synthesized peptides (Genscript, UK) were used to optimize the detection of the peptides in plasma digest matrix. Get A Quote


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is defined by pathological left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). It is the commonest inherited cardiac condition and a significant number of high risk cases still go undetected until a sudden cardiac death (SCD) event. Plasma biomarkers do not currently feature in the assessment of HCM disease progression, which is tracked by serial imaging, or in SCD risk stratification which is based on imaging parameters and patient/family history. There is a need for new HCM plasma biomarkers to refine disease monitoring and improve patient risk stratification. To identify new plasma biomarkers for patients with HCM, we performed exploratory myocardial and plasma proteomics screens and ... More


Cardiovascular disease,Cardiovascular function or biology,Diagnostic,Mass Spectrometry,Multiple reaction monito
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