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Nit1 is a metabolite repair enzyme that hydrolyzes deaminated glutathione.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017; 
Peracchi A,,, Veiga-da-Cunha M,, Kuhara T,, Ellens KW, Paczia N, Stroobant V, Seliga AK,, Marlaire S,, Jaisson S,, Bommer GT,, Sun J, Huebner K, Linster CL, Cooper AJL, Van Schaftingen E,.
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The mammalian gene Nit1 (nitrilase-like protein 1) encodes a protein that is highly conserved in eukaryotes and is thought to act as a tumor suppressor. Despite being ∼35% sequence identical to ω-amidase (Nit2), the Nit1 protein does not hydrolyze efficiently α-ketoglutaramate (a known physiological substrate of Nit2), and its actual enzymatic function has so far remained a puzzle. In the present study, we demonstrate that both the mammalian Nit1 and its yeast ortholog are amidases highly active toward deaminated glutathione (dGSH; i.e., a form of glutathione in which the free amino group has been replaced by a carbonyl group). We further show that Nit1-KO mutants of both human and yeast cells accumulate dG... More


amidase; aminotransferases; deaminated glutathione; metabolite repair
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