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Use of different RT-QuIC substrates for detecting CWD prions in the brain of Norwegian cervids

Sci Rep. 2019; 
Bistaffa E, Vuong TT, Cazzaniga FA, Tran L, Salzano G, Legname G, Giaccone G, Benestad SL, Moda F.
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Recombinant Proteins Truncated Syrian hamster (90–231), reindeer (94–234; 176D), deer (94–234; 96 G), elk (94–234; 132 M) and bank vole PrP (90–231; 109 M) constructs were purchased from GenScript. Get A Quote


Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a highly contagious prion disease affecting captive and free-ranging cervid populations. CWD has been detected in United States, Canada, South Korea and, most recently, in Europe (Norway, Finland and Sweden). Animals with CWD release infectious prions in the environment through saliva, urine and feces sustaining disease spreading between cervids but also potentially to other non-cervids ruminants (e.g. sheep, goats and cattle). In the light of these considerations and due to CWD unknown zoonotic potential, it is of utmost importance to follow specific surveillance programs useful to minimize disease spreading and transmission. The European community has already in place specific... More


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