. All protein concentrations were estimated by the Bradford Assay and mentioned as protomer concentrations unless otherwise...">


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GroEL and CCT are catalytic unfoldases mediating out-of-cage polypeptide refolding without ATP.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.. 2013-04;  110(18):7199 - 7204
Priya S, Sharma SK, Sood V, Mattoo RU, Finka A, Azem A, De Los Rios P, Goloubinoff P. Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
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Chaperonins are cage-like complexes in which nonnative polypeptides prone to aggregation are thought to reach their native state optimally. However, they also may use ATP to unfold stably bound misfolded polypeptides and mediate the out-of-cage native refolding of large proteins. Here, we show that even without ATP and GroES, both GroEL and the eukaryotic chaperonin containing t-complex polypeptide 1 (CCT/TRiC) can unfold stable misfolded polypeptide conformers and readily release them from the access ways to the cage. Reconciling earlier disparate experimental observations to ours, we present a comprehensive model whereby following unfolding on the upper cavity, in-cage confinement is not needed for the releas... More


molecular chaperones;protein aggregation;protein misfolding;protein unfolding
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