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Roles of N-Terminal Fatty Acid Acylations in Membrane Compartment Partitioning: Arabidopsis h-Type Thioredoxins as a Case Study.

Plant Cell.. 2013-03;  25(3):1056-77
Traverso JA, Micalella C, Martinez A, Brown SC, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Meinnel T, Giglione C. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre de Recherche de Gif, Institut des Sciences du VÉgÉtal, F-91198 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France.
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N-terminal fatty acylations (N-myristoylation [MYR] and S-palmitoylation [PAL]) are crucial modifications affecting 2 to 4% of eukaryotic proteins. The role of these modifications is to target proteins to membranes. Predictive tools have revealed unexpected targets of these acylations in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants. However, little is known about how N-terminal lipidation governs membrane compartmentalization of proteins in plants. We show here that h-type thioredoxins (h-TRXs) cluster in four evolutionary subgroups displaying strictly conserved N-terminal modifications. It was predicted that one subgroup undergoes only MYR and another undergoes both MYR and PAL. We used plant TRXs as a model protein ... More


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