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The Effect of Age on von Willebrand Factor and Bleeding Symptoms in von Willebrand Disease

Thromb Haemost. 2020-07-01; 
Craig D Seaman, Margaret V Ragni
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Peptide Synthesis … protparam/). Protein hydrophobicity was analyzed using ExPASy-ProtScale ( Protein subcellular localization was predicted with PSORT II ( Signal peptides … Get A Quote


von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a quantitative or qualitative defect in von Willebrand factor (VWF) resulting in mucocutaneous bleeding symptoms and hemorrhage following hemostatic challenges, such as trauma or surgery. VWD-specific therapy, DDAVP (1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin) and VWF concentrates, is necessary periprocedurally to ensure adequate hemostasis. The aging VWD patient may complicate this matter. The plasma concentration of many coagulation proteins, including VWF, increases with age. While it has been established that VWF levels increase with age in a healthy population, emerging research demonstrates this occurs in certain subtypes of VWD, too. Thus, the management of periprocedural VWD-spe... More


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