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Gene position more strongly influences cell-free protein expression from operons than T7 transcriptional promoter strength

ACS Synth Biol.. 2013-11; 
Chizzolini F, Forlin M, Cecchi D, Mansy SS. CIBIO, University of Trento, via delle Regole 101, 38123 Mattarello (TN), Italy.
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The cell-free transcription-translation of multiple proteins typically exploits genes placed behind strong transcriptional promoters that reside on separate pieces of DNA so that protein levels can be easily controlled by changing DNA template concentration. However, such systems are not amenable to the construction of artificial cells with a synthetic genome. Herein we evaluated the activity of a series of T7 transcriptional promoters by monitoring the fluorescence arising from a genetically encoded Spinach aptamer. Subsequently the influences of transcriptional promoter strength on fluorescent protein synthesis from one, two, and three gene operons were assessed. It was found that transcriptional promoter str... More


Cell-free; Spinach; transcription-translation; T7 promoter; metabolic load; PURE system
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