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Crystal Structures of DNA-Whirly Complexes and Their Role in Arabidopsis Organelle Genome Repair.

Plant Cell.. 2010-06;  22(6):1849 - 1867
Cappadocia L, Maréchal A, Parent JS, Lepage E, Sygusch J, Brisson N. Department of Biochemistry, UniversitÉ de MontrÉal, Montreal, Canada H3C 3J7.
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DNA double-strand breaks are highly detrimental to all organisms and need to be quickly and accurately repaired. Although several proteins are known to maintain plastid and mitochondrial genome stability in plants, little is known about the mechanisms of DNA repair in these organelles and the roles of specific proteins. Here, using ciprofloxacin as a DNA damaging agent specific to the organelles, we show that plastids and mitochondria can repair DNA double-strand breaks through an error-prone pathway similar to the microhomology-mediated break-induced replication observed in humans, yeast, and bacteria. This pathway is negatively regulated by the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding proteins from the Whirly fami... More


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