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Peptidoglycan-binding protein TsaP functions in surface assembly of type IV pili.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.. 2014-03;  111(10):E953-E961
Siewering K, Jain S, Friedrich C, Webber-Birungi MT, Semchonok DA, Binzen I, Wagner A, Huntley S, Kahnt J, Klingl A, Boekema EJ, Søgaard-Andersen L, van der Does C. Department of Ecophysiology, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, D-35043 Marburg, Germany.
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Type IV pili (T4P) are ubiquitous and versatile bacterial cell surface structures involved in adhesion to host cells, biofilm formation, motility, and DNA uptake. In Gram-negative bacteria, T4P pass the outer membrane (OM) through the large, oligomeric, ring-shaped secretin complex. In the β-proteobacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the native PilQ secretin ring embedded in OM sheets is surrounded by an additional peripheral structure, consisting of a peripheral ring and seven extending spikes. To unravel proteins important for formation of this additional structure, we identified proteins that are present with PilQ in the OM. One such protein, which we name T4P secretin-associated protein (TsaP), was identif... More


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