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Crystal structure of unliganded TRAP: implications for dynamic allostery.

Biochem J.. 2011-03;  434(3):427-34
Ali D. Malay, Masahiro Watanabe, Jonathan G. Heddle and Jeremy R. H. Tame. Heddle Initiative Research Unit, RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
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Allostery is vital to the function of many proteins. In some cases, rather than a direct steric effect, mutual modulation of ligand binding at spatially separated sites may be achieved through a change in protein dynamics. Thus changes in vibrational modes of the protein, rather than conformational changes, allow different ligand sites to communicate. Evidence for such an effect has been found in TRAP (trp RNA-binding attenuation protein), a regulatory protein found in species of Bacillus. TRAP is part of a feedback system to modulate expression of the trp operon, which carries genes involved in tryptophan synthesis. Negative feedback is thought to depend on binding of tryptophan-bound, but not unbound, TRAP to... More


onformation; dynamic allostery; protein dynamics.
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