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ATP and large signaling metabolites flux through caspase-activated Pannexin 1 channels

Elife. 2021-01; 
Adishesh K Narahari, Alex Jb Kreutzberger, Pablo S Gaete, Yu-Hsin Chiu, Susan A Leonhardt, Christopher B Medina, Xueyao Jin, Patrycja W Oleniacz, Volker Kiessling, Paula Q Barrett, Kodi S Ravichandran, Mark Yeager, Jorge E Contreras, Lukas K Tamm, Douglas A Bayliss
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Gene Synthesis A cDNA encoding Xenopus tropicalis Panx1 (fPanx1; Genscript-OXa25378, Accession Get A Quote


Pannexin 1 (Panx1) is a membrane channel implicated in numerous physiological and pathophysiological processes via its ability to support release of ATP and other cellular metabolites for local intercellular signaling. However, to date, there has been no direct demonstration of large molecule permeation via the Panx1 channel itself, and thus the permselectivity of Panx1 for different molecules remains unknown. To address this, we expressed, purified, and reconstituted Panx1 into proteoliposomes and demonstrated that channel activation by caspase cleavage yields a dye-permeable pore that favors flux of anionic, large-molecule permeants (up to ~1 kDa). Large cationic molecules can also permeate the channel, albei... More


Pannexin, ion channels, molecular biophysics, none, selectivity, structural biology
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