and PEPTIDES (Hofmann & Wlodawer, 2002). 2.5. SK3 peptide. The synthetic...">


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Probing the equatorial groove of the hookworm protein and vaccine candidate antigen, Na-ASP-2.

Int J Biochem Cell Biol.. 2014-03; 
Mason L, Tribolet L, Simon A, von Gnielinski N, Nienaber L, Taylor P, Willis C, Jones MK, Sternberg PW, Gasser RB, Loukas A, Hofmann A. Structural Chemistry Program, Eskitis Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.
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Hookworm activation-associated secreted proteins can be structurally classified into at least three different groups. The hallmark feature of Group 1 activation-associated secreted proteins is a prominent equatorial groove, which is inferred to form a ligand binding site. Furthermore, a conserved tandem histidine motif is located in the centre of the groove and believed to provide or support a yet to be determined catalytic activity. Here, we report three-dimensional crystal structures of Na-ASP-2, an L3-secreted activation-associated secreted protein from the human hookworm Necator americanus, which demonstrate transition metal binding ability of the conserved tandem histidine motif. We further identified mode... More


Activation-associated secreted proteins; Host-parasite interactions; Pathogenesis-related proteins; Protein structure; SCP/TAPS proteins
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